Known as the caretakers of Manly, the Manly Environment Centre (MEC) promotes sustainable living practices through practical projects. The MEC is an advocacy, research, education and resource centre.
The Manly Environment Centre (MEC) has a long history of providing opportunities to learn about the environment and sustainability and how your lifestyle choices can create positive outcomes for you, your community and your environment.
Staff at the MEC are arranging the collation, cataloguing, and digitising of our substantial collection of environmental education materials.
The Centre intends to also continue to assist with coordinating traineeships, internships and work experience opportunities for students.
Events, talks and workshops geared towards sustainability are also organised by MEC staff and volunteers.
Qualified staff from within Council and suitably qualified volunteers will be made available to discuss environmental matters and answer questions on topics: stormwater management; bushland regeneration and restoration; pest management; biodiversity conservation and management; coastal, estuarine and catchment processes and issues; environmental offsets; carbon management; energy and water efficiency; renewables; waste management and the circular economy; recycling and reuse; and user conflicts and how Council manages them.
The Centre has relocated from its original position on Belgrave Street, Manly, to our temporary location in the Manly Library (level 2).
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